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  • Goli, S., Mahmoodi, S., Residual Lifetime of Repairable Systems and Phase- type Approximation, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 2023.
  • Abolhasani, A., Irregular Shaped Small Nodule Detection Using a Robust Scan Statistic, Statistics in Biosciences,  2022.
  • Jahandideh M.T., Kamali R., Mahmoodi S., Multi-period Portfolio Optimization Under Probability Risk Measure and AR (1)-GARCH (1,1) Model, Mathematical Researches, V 8, N 4, 2022.
  • Abolhassani, A.,  Prates, M. O., Castellares F., Mahmoodi, S., Zero-inflated Bell scan: A more flexible spatial scan statistic, Spatial Statistics, 2020, 
  • Mahmoodi, S. Hamed Ranjkesh, S.,  Zhao, Y. Q., Condition-based Maintenance Policies for a Multi-unit Deteriorating System Subject to Shocks in a Semi-Markov Operating Environment. Quality Engineering, 2020.
  • Kamali, R. , Mahmoodi, S., Jahandideh M.T., Optimization of multi-period portfolio model after fitting best distribution, Finance Research Letters, 2019.
  • Hamed Ranjkesh, S., Zeinal Hamadani, A., Mahmoodi, S., A new cumulative shock model with Damage and Inter-Arrival Time Dependencies Journal: Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2018
  • Mahmoodi, S., Mohammadi Jouzdani,N., Parvardeh, A., Existence of  Hilbert valued periodically correlated autoregressive processes of order one, Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Sciences, 2018 .
  • Parvardeh, A., Mohammadi Jouzdani, N.,  Mahmoodi, S.,  Soltani, A. R.,  First order autoregressive periodically correlated model in Banach spaces: Existence and central limit theorem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 449, Issue 1, 1 May 2017, Pages 756-768
  • Mahmoodi, S., Soltani. A. R., An Extension Theorem for Finite Positive Measures on Surfaces of Finite Dimensional Unit Balls in Hilbert Spaces, Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Sciences, 2014.
  • Latouche, G. , Mahmoodi, S., Taylor, P. G., Level-phase independent stationary distributions for GI/M/1-type Markov chains with infinitely-many phases, Performance Evaluation, 2013.
  • Sharifdoost, M., Mahmoodi, S., On time reversibility of linear time series, Journal of Mathematical Extension, 2012.
  • Hejazi, S. M. , Sheikhzadeh, M. , Abtahi, S. A. , Mahmoodi, S. and Malekian, V. , Using an Artificial Neural Network to Analyze Shear Behavior of Loop-Formed Fiber Reinforced Soil Composites, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2012.
  • Mahmoodi, S., Independence and Spectral Properties of Rate Matrix in GI/M/1-Type Markov Chains with Countable Phase Space. Proceedings of the 8th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes, 2011.
  • Mahmoodi, S., Chashianiani, S., Tail decay rate of stationary distribution in Random Walk processes (in persian), Proceedings of the 8th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes, 2011.
  • Mahmoodi, S., Soltani. A. R., A Representation of the Characteristic Functional of Stable Random Measures with Values in Sazanov Spaces, Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Sciences. 2010
  • Mahmoodi, S., Golestaneh, F, Estimation of Spectral Measures in Stable Random Vectors, (In Persian), Andysheye Amari, 2010.
  • Sharifdoost, M., Mahmoodi, S. Testing in Reversibility of Markov Chains, Proceedings of the 7th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes, 2009.
  • Sharifdoost, M., Mahmoodi, S., Pasha, E., A Statistical Test for Time Reversibility of Stationary Finite-State Markov Chains, Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol3, No 52, 2009.
  • Mahmoodi, S., Golestaneh, F., , Estimation of Spectral Measures in Stable Random Vectors, Proceedings of the 7th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes, 2009.
  • Mahmoodi, S., Garmsiri, S., The Convergence of Sample Autocorrelation Function of Stationary SαS Processes, (In persian), Andisheye Amari. 2007.
  • Mahmoodi, S. Soltani. A. R., Characterization of Multidimensional Stable Random Measures by Means of Vector Measures. Stochastic Analysis and Applications. Vol. 22, No. 2, pp 449-457, 2004.
  • Mahmoodi, S., Stability of Limit distributions. (In persian) Andisheye Amari, Vol. 8, No.1, 2003.


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